book About The Catnip Collective

Introducing The Catnip Collective: a collection of the coolest cats in Furrfield. Enter the magical world of these feline beings and experience catnip-fueled adventures that will make you meow with joy! From hairball art to mysterious happenings in the night, this collection is anything but clawdinary. They say that owning a piece of the collection unlocks the secret lives of cats, but be warned, things can get pretty catty!

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The Catnip Collective verified

Hrothpurr #115

mdo Owned by FyCats
list 2023-05-05 11:43:16
account_balance 5%
visibility 5800x5800
save 16.59 MB
trending_up 1,000.00 MEWC
privacy_tip Details

Hrothpurr the Brave may be small in stature, but he makes up for it with his ferocity in battle. He charges into battle with reckless abandon, leaving his opponents confused and disoriented. Hrothpurr has been known to attack enemies by pouncing on their feet, then running away before they can retaliate. His battle cry is a piercing meow that strikes fear into the hearts of all who hear it.

people Trading History
Price From To Date
1,000 MEWC TheCatnipCollective FyCats 2023-05-11 00:51:35
0 MEWC (Royalty Payment) Empawrium TheCatnipCollective 2023-05-11 00:51:35
timeline Asset History
# Status Date Note
1Active Listing06 May, 2023 06:59 AMApproved by Empawrium | Auto Create